Word from Within

Violent struggle makes less sense than peaceful protests, but is a lot more effective. Shows where our values have gone.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Issues with Sharia (and other problems) in Canada

Recently, CBC News has been discussing the implementation of the Islamic Sharia law here in Canada for Muslims. There are advocates for both sides, muslims who do not like the current penal system and those who support it. The second group is usually led by muslim women who feel that the Sharia law marginalizes the rights of women to certain freedoms enjoyed by women of other faiths living in Canada. These women come from countries that are ruled by Islamic Law and where they have experienced harsh prejudices and have had their voice marginalized by the ruling government.

These women are right to be concerned. But this problem, like many others, lies with the people who wish to impose the Sharia, not with the law itself. Muslim countries, like that of the Iranian Republic, draw stern accusations of violating the human rights of women in the name of Islam. And this attitude of careless violation is what women in Canada fear will happen if they let Sharia be implemented.

Most people will not spend time actively learning what is involved in Sharia Law, its justifications, its precedents, or what situations warrant what punishment. These muslims are usually those who are not integrating well with their societies and feel that their rights and values are not spoken for in our current legal system. They are not familiar or comfortable enough with the law to work to amend it. Instead, they prefer to institute a law that they don't understand and that will further divide our country.

Sharia law is the quickest and most efficient method to solving a problem. This is how it should be viewed. If the current law fulfills this, then it is Sharia. People with manipulative agendas love to use foreign words like sharia, jihad, etc., to scare the general populace who hasn't the slightest clue as to what these terms mean. The fear that muslim women will lose their rights in this country if sharia is implemented is not true. Though this is a concern, the real issue here is that what is to be implemented is not Sharia, if it marginalized the rights of women.

On the flipside, we may think that in this country have democracy and that women have certain liberties and a true voice. But the way this voice is manipulated is truely disgusting. We live in a democracy, but numerous ads with scantily dressed women, some who've starved themselves to death, really is a form of sexism. It tells women that this is how you need to be to make it in this world. And even though this idea has been propagated to every female ear, it still hasn't had much of an effect. We do need to change the perception of women in this country, and it should begin with the arraignment of companies that exploit women.

Freedom of Expression, or Freedom of Opression.