Word from Within

Violent struggle makes less sense than peaceful protests, but is a lot more effective. Shows where our values have gone.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Steven Harper: Pro-Israel, Anti-peace

Steven Harper: "When dealing with war between Israel and terrorist organizations, this country cannot and will never be neutral"

Said to: Toronto Jewish Community

Steven Harper also said that Liberal party candidate Michael Ignatieff made some anti-Israel comments when he said the IDF's bombing of the village of Qana was a war crime.

The Liberal party was then accused of being anti-semetic, and that to suggest that there was a pro-Israeli party in office was just tasteless

Global News: Played down the comment to the Jewish community, and exploited what the government called an "anti-semetic" attack


Harper + GlobalNews = Bush + FOX

I can't believe it has come to this, where Canadian news agencies are misleading the people

Solidifies the notion that the Conservatives are a racist party, harsh words, but unfortunately when the facts are looked at, all too true. GlobalNews: hide the facts.

Only be a matter of time until the Conservatives accuse the Liberals of being anti-Black, anti-gay, anti-Chinese, anti-war on terror (ie. pro-peace)

Q: How did a racist government make it into power?
A: Milk the sponsorship scandal for all it's worth.

How Global News will cover it up: Belinda and Peter McKay script
Why do I care about these two peoples' personal affairs? Ask GlobalNews

What these coverups and allegation will allow for?
Homegrown terror

Then the Conservatives will begin their reign of fascist dictatorship, then this beautiful country will fall apart.

And no under the table softwood deals with the Americans or appeasements to the Israeli goverment or Pro-Zionist movements in Canada will save us.

Oh yeah, and as for Ignatieff, well he's no longer able to visit Israel until they're able to clean up anything that might give them away. Hopefully by then, Ignatieff will no longer be in the picture, the Conservatives will see to that in some way

Maybe Steven Harper should visit those Israelis that are trying to put an end to this war, standing up for Palestinian rights and fighting their own government so that true justice will prevail. And maybe will have some responsible leadership in this country...yeah right.