The UN released another draft of a resolution that it hopes will be adhered to. I’ve reposted some of their points from Al-Jazeera’s English Language website.
1. Calls for a full cessation of hostilities based upon, in particular, the immediate cessation by Hizbollah of all attacks and the immediate cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations;
Now let’s read that last little bit again.
Cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations. This is an important point the last US and France draft missed out on.
4. Reiterates its strong support for full respect for the Blue Line (separating Israel and Lebanon);
This is where Israel will start having a problem understanding. The Israeli Army is and has been colourblind since its initial conception. They don’t know what a
blue line is. They didn’t know what the green line in Palestine meant. Show them a rainbow and they’ll have to sit down for a minute to catch their breath.
6. Calls on the international community to take immediate steps to extend its financial and humanitarian assistance to the Lebanese people, including through facilitating the safe return of displaced persons and, under the authority of the government of Lebanon, reopening airports and harbors, consistent with paragraphs 14 and 15, and calls on it also to consider further assistance in the future to contribute to the reconstruction and development of Lebanon;
What this
should read is something along the lines of barring the US from bullying other countries and foreign banks from stopping the transfer of money to the Lebanese people, like they previously had done in Palestine. Also, Stephen Harper should be banned from performing any sort of action remotely resembling that of the US. Actually, what should happen is that an interim government should be brought in to the Canadian Parliament to deal with this crisis and Harper should stay out of this. He has angered too many Canadians already with his Pro-Israeli/Zionist dream in a cheap attempt to make himself known on the international platform. The current prime minister with his complete lack of knowledge or disregard for it, has made Canada into a target for retribution by the people he has started targeting. Now he just ups his security precautions in airports and border crossings. What he should be doing is taking an active step to understanding why this conflict continues to rage on.
Another point the resolution made:
Provision to the United Nations of all remaining maps of land mines in Lebanon in Israel's possession;
Like this will ever happen. The IOF has placed so many landmines that they themselves are having trouble staying away from them. Strange that Harper has never mentioned this before. I would think that if Lebanon was in Israel’s position, Harper would be adamantly demanding the whereabouts of mines, munitions caches, cell phone numbers of all Hezballah, and what they had to eat the previous night.
Government spokesman Avi Pazner said in a recent address, “this operation is aimed at preventing Hezbollah from firing rockets into northern Israel and is not limited in time," he said.
Not limited in time? They will not stop until Lebanon has been completely flattened. Then the Harper government is going to have a problem. Remember that little group of people in the areas of central Montreal and its suburbs, where do they come from again Harper? That little Beirut is bigger than you think. The conservatives will lose any seat they hold in that area and with the Lebanese and separatists backing each other, there’s going to be hell to pay for. This will follow in the footsteps of the FLQ October Crises and if Harper thinks the War Measures Act is going to help him, he’s in for a rude awakening. Trudeau had class, Harpers an ass. That’s not libel, he’s already ruined his reputation with his undying support of the Israeli War Machine.
And here’s the most saddening point. Apart from the Lebanese and the Palestinians who are being looked upon as terrorists/militants and what have you, another group who are going to suffer are the Israeli people. A people who have spent years trying to get away from the claim that being a Jew makes them inferior to everyone else. But with the Israeli army being above the law and their constant breaches of UN Resolutions, this is a one way street. The Jewish peoples in Israel have a voice, but it is not through the Israeli Army, or Olmert, or even Stephen Harper. It comes from the countless Jewish based initiatives and groups that advocate for Palestinian rights, for peace with its neighbors. The Jewish groups that advocate against Israel. These are the ones that suffered during the Holocaust, not those secular Jews in the government. These are the ones that aren’t given camera time, that hold demonstrations that aren’t broadcasted, the ones that have a conscience and know that the Israeli Army’s trek into other countries is just a land grab, and will only make more enemies for Israel. These are the voices that we should be standing behind.